Technology Leadership Center

About us ?

We are specialists in IT Department management for other organizations through a new methodology. Instead of hiring a permanent CTO, we provide a CTO as a service. This approach allows organizations to benefit from a high level of experience, knowledge, and relationships in the IT field while cutting employment costs.

Who Is CTO ?

He is a Chief Technology Officer who is lead and manage all information Technology tasks, and have all responsibility to achievement the goals of IT for organizations.

Why the organizations need CTO ?

We are in the Technology era, the organizations cannot handle their business without using technology solutions, those solutions need an expert man to manage and lead the IT department, but the main issue is the cost of employment permeant of IT experts who have ability, knowledge and relationship in IT field is too much expensive.

Our Solution?

One of The best ways for Organizations to handle IT departments is by using high-quality achievement and cutting the cost of employment, by going to a company that has the ability and expertise to handle and manage the IT department by using a method of payment for service, this solution called a CTO as a services

What is mean

CTO as a Service

CTO as a service is A new concept and will be a trend in the near future, it’s focuses on how companies can handle and manage IT services without employment permeant CTO, CTO as a service means the organization signs a contract with a company have the ability and expertise in multi domains of IT to handling and manage IT department.

Manage and Execution

In Saudi CTO our team can manage all IT operational tasks as the client needs , our  management will include manage ,supervision and follow-up  IT operation,   except IT technical execution 

  The IT technical execution , will be execute by third party “ our IT partners companies .

Is the consultation services part of our business?

Our team can be managing all IT strategy and operational tasks, our management will include manage, supervision and follow-up IT operation, except IT technical execution The IT technical execution, will be execute by third party “our IT partner’s companies”. and we will manage them, and we can be working as IT consultants if the client or business required

Our services

Leadership the IT Department

Manage contract relationship with IT companies

Manage implementation the IT strategy

Leadership the IT department

Manage a tasks and IT team in organization by using our expertise and relationship in IT domains, and will using all tools and models that will help an organization to achievement IT goals and improvement the capability of IT team in organization.

Example 1 :

An Organization needs to develop IT department and manage internal tasks and IT service providers, such as a new system will be providing to handle some services in an organization

Example 2 : 

An organization working to develop a new structure for IT department, then will be needs support form expert team to help an organization to be insure the apply new structure will success by smooth way

Manage contract relationship with IT companies

We are working to increase trustable between the organizations and IT service providers by using our expertise and relationship that will help them to write success story and establishment   strategy partnership between clients and providers.

Example 1: before agreement stage 

Our team will review the technical and financial proposal to ensure its cover all needs and check the payments is suitable with the achievement, and we will evaluation providers by high professional criteria

Example 2 : after agreement Stage 

Saudi CTO team will supervision to ensure the implementation will have done as the scope of work, and we will work with the client and service provider to solve any issues may come from understanding the items of agreement 

Manage implementation the IT strategy

We are working with clients to review the IT strategy before implemented  to ensure it fit with an organization needs then will be supervision and manage the implementation of IT Strategy and transfer knowledge to  organization team

an Organization work on a digital transformation program, then it need to review and ensure if it has a capability, have enough resources (people, technical equipment, … etc.) and expert leader to lead it for going to a digitization environment

Our Team

IT leaders

IT expertise

Project Managers

How Saudi CTO work ?

Step One :

Our team will be setting one session may take 1to 3 hours with client (IT team and decision makers) to define needs and expected scope of work, and what the services the client may need? and how the Saudi CTO team can be work with the organization

Step two :

After first session and the client and Saudi CTO agreed to sign contract but the first session not enough to define needs and scope of work, or scope of work need more details, then we will be going to a sign an agreement with limited services will include:

2.1. More sessions to define needs and scope of work

2.2. We will provide service IT management within this agreement this agreement will be 10 to 15 Hrs. usually

Step three :

After define scope of work the client has two options if he wants to sing agreement with Saudi CTO

3.1. Sign agreement depend on the numbers of working hours

3.2. Sign agreement depend on the scope of work, and technical and financial proposal sent by Saudi CTO  

Our Partners

Technical partners 

Legal partner

Human Resource partner

Financial Partner 

Contact us

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Northern Ring Rode

[email protected]